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Due to the shortage of factor and vitamin E

Saturday, August 20, 2011 , Posted by GAYATRA at 1:29 AM

Lack of vitamin e. vitamin e can be found in many foods that we eat every day, such as wheat, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, soybean oil, broccoli and other types of fruit and vegetables. However, do not have a sufficient intake daily vitamin E, should be concerned about the many people began to worry that they are not getting sufficient vitamins and she started taking mega doses of vitamin e. While in some cases that is true that the people need supplements, what more when you are pregnant or nursing a child. Never show lack of vitamin e in healthy humans. He has appeared in other species and individuals with medical conditions that limit the body's ability to absorb vitamin e. may be possible to develop a deficiency if you maintain a low fat diet very strict and limited to a period of time, but the lack of other vitamins will appear as well.
Deficiency can occur in people due to the inability to absorb fat, because need some fats in the digestive tract to the absorption of person of vitamin e. with genetic alfa-tocoferol protein abnormalities transfer has been the cause of deficiency of vitamin e. preterm birth, the baby will be deprived of vitamins or heavy baby born because of poor vitamin (e) transfer of the mother through the placenta to baby or just lack Preemies time to transfer the vitamins. Vitamin e also appears to be associated with zinc deficiency. The body can use zinc absorbent or making use of vitamin e or diet can lack in several vitamins and nutrients.
In addition to the factors that can lead to vitamin deficiency is a variety of disorders of the gut. Crohn's disease victims often experience diarrhea and the inability to absorb vitamin. If you don't have the ability to eliminate bile will have a special form of water soluble vitamin e because the bile to help with the absorption of fats in the digestive tract. Some symptoms of vitamin a deficiency and is sometimes nerve degenerations in hands and legs, weak muscles, can produce even blindness.
If the vitamin deficiency in adults can develop anemia, lack of red blood cells, the widow became appearance easy fatigue, weakness, and they are. Lack of vitamin e in someone can cause diseases, such as disease or Crohn's disease gallbladder problems. So prior to diagnose yourself as a deficiency of vitamin E, you have to get to the doctor and observed for correct diagnosis.In matters of health, should be routinely and regularly and always consult health experts checked the doctor

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